Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Task 13 - Tasty Bookmarking with

One thing that I've learned from this exercise is that I'm a compulsive signer-upper. I'll join just about ANYTHING of interest to me online. The only problem is which email address to use... depends on the website, usually. I have a range of email addresses from "proper and respectable" to "more casual"... nothing nefarious, as nothing very nefarious has interested me enough.
Suffice to say, I opened a account without a second thought.
I do like the concept of accessing bookmarks from any computer and any web browser, and also sharing Bookmarks with other intrepid web surfers. It's a little like sharing books... either you're an information sharer, or you're not. Unfortunately, many IT people aren't information sharers - too many subscribe to the "keepers of the secret flame" notion.
Anyway, I dove into, and I was (quite) well pleased, especially with one of my findings on medieval books of hours, dear to my heart, and my first search!

Tried the Technorati html tag thing (see Task 14) and found it painful, so have dispensed with it until further practice ensues.

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